Sunday, April 06, 2008

Pilates, by Inmaculada Caballero Gomez

After a presentation on 1 April 2008.


I heard about the Pilates method some years ago. At that time I felt very stressed and I used to suffer from backache so I decided to start doing some activity to improve my health. A friend of mine told me about the Pilates method and I took it up shortly after. I have been practising it for three years .

Now, I feel wonderful. The more you practise Pilates, the better you feel.

I would like to tell you something about it and I encourage you to practise it.

Pilates is a physical fitness system developed by Joseph Pilates. This method links mind and body based on the principles of Pilates: centering, concentration, control, precision, breath and flow. Pilates called his work “contrology”.

The Pilates Method was born during the World War I when Joseph Pilates was made prisoner in a concentration camp and he began to rehabilitate the injured German soldiers, putting his own concept into practice. As a result of this experience, he designed his special exercise machines named Cadillac and Reformer. He used them to development Pilates’ method.

1.- CENTERING: All energy for Pilates exercises begins from the “powerhouse”. It is the centre of the body encompassing the abdomen, lower back, hip, pelvis and pubic bones. From there the energy flows outward to the extremities.
It is very important to build a strong powerhouse because you have to coordinate all movements from the “core”.

2.- CONCENTRATION: The central aim of Pilates is create a fusion of mind and body; for that you must learn to pay attention to your body while you do the movements coordinating them with breathing.

3.- CONTROL: You have to keep control of your centre and all your body to prevent injuries and produce positive results.

4.- PRECISION: There is an appropriate position. Your body has to be perfectly aligned.

5.- BREATH: Breathing is very important in Pilates. It should be done with concentration, control, precision, coordination with movements.

6.- FLOW: Pilates exercises are done in a flowing manner: not effort, but fluidity and ease.

A wide range of people can practise Pilates: seniors, pregnant women, people who are at various stages of physical rehabilitation.

Pilates can be practised on a gym mat, exercises performed on the floor or with special machines invented by Joseph Pilates.

If you practise Pilates, you will improve your flexibility, agility, elasticity, you learn to breathe properly, which reduces your stress.

Practising Pilates, you will correct your spine and your posture; you will strengthen your muscles, especially abdominal muscles and your pelvic floor. It can even help alleviate back pain and prevent injuries.

Pilates said: ” If your spine is not flexible at thirty, you are old; if your spine is flexible at sixty, you are young.”

Inmaculada Caballero Gomez

For more on the Pilates method, see The Pilates Foundation.

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